That said, the discussion led to the question about how to implement lazy initialization of shared members in a thread-safe manner. I mentioned I was using double-checked locking, but someone pointed me to this interestering article and this discussion. I decided to test out double-checked locking versus just locking before the read in my distributed app (basically just created a remoted unit test) and I observed no difference in performance really. The test was just the "give me a warm and fuzzy feeling" test so I didn't write any performance counters or anything. But just measuring speed of the calls with 40 concurrent threads calling the components 100 times I only saw between a 1 and 10 milisecond average difference in speed. This is really nothing to me so I'm going to go with the easier, safer pattern of locking the whole shee-bang:
Private Shared m_service1 As ExtendedService Private Shared _syncRoot As New Object Public Shared ReadOnly Property Service1() As ExtendedService Get SyncLock (_syncRoot) If (m_service1 Is Nothing) Then m_service1 = Factory.CreateExtendedService() End If End SyncLock Return m_service1 End Get End Property
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